Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Journal 6 Miss Representation

We the media have cheeped hooked women into objects of a haunting, and horrific nature. Misrepresentation exploits the abuse in a straightforward informative fashion, but it more importantly inspires you to action. By the end of the film you want to stand up, stand tall and stand for something. This problem we have with over sexualizing women is a product of media enterprises around the world that have sold ideas of women that aren’t who women really are. How do you stop a shift that has been consistently dominating the media corporations for years. This snowball effect has now become a daily dose of what are minds are consuming. I’m sick over the young minds that are warped and dissolution with the exact opposite of what we should be teaching not only young girls, but boys alike. Mutual respect is the common place. This is pressure after pressure with foolish unrealistic expectations of what and who women are. We say media, but we often take on character roles and reinforce this type of behavior without a second thought, it has become second nature. Many times men are still making these decisions that paint women in a light where lets just say there not shinning their brightest. If this continues we are destroying what it means to even be human. When image is the main attraction, and no appreciation of ones intellect or talent, that becomes dangerous, and the lines are blurred. Consciousness is partially made up of what we watch on a daily basis, no change will occur if the same groups of people continue to have the last say. In addition, and I’ll end with this, movies or film are most certainly nothing like the originals. Blockbusters run together, I feel like I’m watching the same thing on replay, where is the substance? I have not seen a better portrayal of the President of the United States of America than When Geena Davis led the country in Commander and chief. Perhaps this is a good time to consider multiple shifts in consciousness. Let’s start with mutual respect.

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