Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Last Journal Titled "This Class Rocked"

I really enjoyed this semester, and after ENC1101, I was totally pumped about what ENC 1102 was all about, I just hoped it wasn’t as boring as the first round. To my surprise, not only did I get a professor that I admired, but I was also in for an exciting adventure. As soon as I saw the video selection, and found out we were going to be building a blog, I was already totally stoked. This was my first blog ever. I knew blogging had become popular a few years back, but I really had no interest. More recently family members had been blogging, and I was thinking, what is this blog thing really all about. This semester I learned. First off it was simple, building and maintaining was so simple, just a few clicks here, and a few clicks a week, and I to had my very own, not bad looking blog. I was impressed. With almost no effort I was able to build a sharing house for others that was approachable and useful. Needless to say, I’ll probably be using this in the future. I am a bit of a media junky, I love watching meaningful documentaries, not only did I get the chance to watch movies in class, but I had the opportunity to write about what I watched, and share my thoughts with the entire class. Reading classmates responses gave me a feeling of empowerment. I felt more inclined to make my responses meaningful and in the process, I got to know some of my classmates on a more personal level. In college, for me at least, your not always given the opportunity to get to know your neighbor, but this proved to be an excellent experiment in sharing and getting to know one another, as well as getting to know yourself and your writing style in a different way, a good way. With the wave of the future and all it social media outlets, this was most defiantly a valuable experience I look forward to using in the future. I hope this approach is well received, I don’t know who would trade this in for a “traditional” ENC1102 class. The combination was just the right balance. Thank You!

Freedom in Forgiveness

Forgiving Dr.Mengele was challenging in a variety of ways. The holocaust can be a heavy subject to say the least. Kidnapping people, including children, and then roasting them to death because their not your idea of the ideal race is almost unforgivable. Today injustices are occurring on a global scale, perhaps not to this dramatic magnitude, but I believe in the future you will here of other stories with similarities of injustice, just the same you will be moved, and left with the question, why? Why and how did this happen. What can we do to prevent this from happening again? What we see here is a powerful movement by a single individual who experienced unimaginable, relentless torture, but by sole determination of single survivor who chose not to forget, but to personally forgive the men responsible, explain her position, and attempt to relate her process of forgiveness, and the power behind forgiveness.  
This is a story that should be told. The holocaust was more than real. As Americans we sometimes feel depressed, or suppressed, or oppressed or whatever, but you tell me how bad you feel after watching this documentary. Most know not of real cruelty, and not to this magnitude. Eva Mozes Kor was chosen specifically to endure repeated medical experimentation along with her twin sister, Miriam, by the then death monster, Dr. Joseph Mengele. Dr. Mengele purpose, in my interpretation, was to take subjects, twins in this case, and attempt to see how he could alter the specific group by injections of chemical combinations, see the reactions, document findings, and leave subjects for dead. The experiments often proved to be fatal, Mendele was just interested in human life, just his crazes experiments and how they could further his cause. He was given high authority at the camp to perform such exercises, and so he ran free to ruin lives in an indescribable fashion. Out of the twins, Eva specifically vowed to not die, she refused, this was not an option for her, and she needed to be their for her sister.
Eva and her sister, unlike many, survived the nightmare. They were freed by the soviets after nine months, close to a year after being held captive. The camp had a profound life long effect on the girls, but after being released and set free, the young girls tried to move on with their lives. Eva fell in love with a fellow survivor, married and had two kids. No time to really reflect on her past, or maybe not wanting to deal with such tragedy, she raised a family and came to find a life as close to normal as she could find. Eva later in life decided that the weight of memories and what happened in those camps was to heavy a burden to carry. She wanted to forgive the doctor responsible, and reached out to people who were their at the time, at the same time she was. Eva’s daughter described her mother as unhesitant. She was going up against everyone at this point. Fellow survivors, scholars, people today wanting to preserve the memory of the holocaust. Some felt like this was not Eva’s place to forgive, and others shook their head in disbelief, attesting that in no way did this one individual have any right to move forward with forgiveness, especially in the case of non survivors that were unable to speak for themselves.
To me, this is where the real story begins, a story of extreme survival, and extreme forgiveness. Against all odds, not only surviving the time, but building a life after such unthinkable acts of violence and violation. Treated like a worthless insect for experiments only, and overcoming at all cost. This is Eva’s story of triumph over tragedy, and this was her message. She met with one particular leader, who she made amends with, and even visited the camps with. Eva turned a cruel absolute nightmare into a story of survival, forgiveness, and sharing the hope that she found through forgiveness. There is now a museum like area set up thanks to Eva’s dedication to spreading her story; it’s implications, and how to perhaps cope with devastating life circumstances of this magnitude. She gives speeches and talks around the world, and she has created a legacy that will live on, and hopefully a message that will continue to resonate for years to come.
Pictures say a thousand words, and I am grateful that we have these as a reminder. This unthinkable, insufferable story is in all fact true, and as true as the act of relentless torture, is the supreme act of forgiveness. As difficult as forgiveness maybe, the payoff is, at least according to Eva, the ultimate freedom. Amnesty at its best is life changing. Pain occurs in many ways, but to hold pain and carry pain can be the biggest mistake of someone’s life. Think about your life, your burdens, and imagine the amount of weight that could possibly be lifted by shifting your thoughts, your mind, and your heart in the direction of forgives. This story inspires yes, but more importantly is the lesson. When you learn to truly let go, you learn what it feels to be truly free. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Journal Waiting for Superman

Education is extremely inconsistent in America, and thus detrimental to the educational health of our children. Depending on the demographic or area you live in determines what kind of education you recieve. It once was thought that failing schools were the reason for failing education, but know they say that the failing neighborhoods yield bad schools.  I was astonished to learn that Washington had the lowest proficiency in math and reading. The no child left behind program looks like a joke after watching the film waiting for superman. To learn that more money is spent on jails than on education each year is a tradegy and must be completely revamped. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Female Equality 2013?

Christopher Gass
Professor Kelly Warren
ENC 1102
April 2nd, 2013
Female Equality 2013?
The beauty in Documentaries is you often either learn something you didn’t know before, or it gives you a different perspective on something maybe you’ve thought of before, but never really knew to much about. The documentary “Miss Representation” takes you on a journey through the eyes of a cast of character we know from mainstream media, and the double standards that women face still today. The film calls you to action on so many levels, and I recommend anyone from anywhere to watch this film at any time. ”Miss Representation” brings home a number of issues that need to be met at the dinner table. The double standard in the work place, over sexualizing of women, and the market of conditioning women to meet a picture perfection image are just a few of the highlights.
Short of turning this into a man bashing session, equality for women needs help. The expectations are completely different for the sexes, and women frankly have more roles they are expected to fill. You could be the smartest girl in the room, and be magical in many ways, but if you have “sex appeal” that still trumps most markets. Sex sells everywhere. When I asked a girlfriend about her feelings of female equality, she responded it’s a mental thing. I don’t think the media is doing a good job selling the idea of “it’s all mental”.
This problem we have with over sexualizing women is a product of media enterprises around the world that have sold ideas of women that aren’t really representing women. How do you stop a shift that has been consistently dominating media corporations for years. This snowball effect has now become a daily dose of what our minds are used to consuming. I’m sick of the young minds that are warped and dissolution with the exact opposite of what we should be teaching not only young girls, but boys alike. Mutual respect is the common place. This is pressure after pressure with foolish unrealistic expectations of what and, who women are. We say media, but we often take on character roles and reinforce this type of behavior without a second thought. To give you an idea, only seven percent of women are directors of feature films. Many times men are still making these decisions that paint women in a light where lets just say there not shinning their brightest.
If this continues we are destroying what it means to even be human. When image is the main attraction, and no appreciation of ones intellect or talent, that becomes dangerous, and the lines are blurred. Consciousness is partially made up of what we watch on a daily basis, no change will occur if the same groups of people continue to have the last say. In addition, and I’ll end with this, movies or film are most certainly nothing like the originals. Blockbusters run together, I feel like I’m watching the same thing on replay, where is the substance? I have not seen a better portrayal of the President of the United States of America than When Geena Davis led the country in Commander and chief. Perhaps this is a good time to consider multiple shifts in consciousness. Let’s start with mutual respect.
We the media have cheeped hooked women into objects of a haunting, and horrific nature. Misrepresentation exploits the abuse in a straightforward informative fashion, but more importantly inspires you to action. By the end of the film you want to stand up, stand tall and stand for something. This film made it to Sundance for good reason. Call yourself and the ones around you to action, let them know that equality has not yet been met. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Journal 6 Miss Representation

We the media have cheeped hooked women into objects of a haunting, and horrific nature. Misrepresentation exploits the abuse in a straightforward informative fashion, but it more importantly inspires you to action. By the end of the film you want to stand up, stand tall and stand for something. This problem we have with over sexualizing women is a product of media enterprises around the world that have sold ideas of women that aren’t who women really are. How do you stop a shift that has been consistently dominating the media corporations for years. This snowball effect has now become a daily dose of what are minds are consuming. I’m sick over the young minds that are warped and dissolution with the exact opposite of what we should be teaching not only young girls, but boys alike. Mutual respect is the common place. This is pressure after pressure with foolish unrealistic expectations of what and who women are. We say media, but we often take on character roles and reinforce this type of behavior without a second thought, it has become second nature. Many times men are still making these decisions that paint women in a light where lets just say there not shinning their brightest. If this continues we are destroying what it means to even be human. When image is the main attraction, and no appreciation of ones intellect or talent, that becomes dangerous, and the lines are blurred. Consciousness is partially made up of what we watch on a daily basis, no change will occur if the same groups of people continue to have the last say. In addition, and I’ll end with this, movies or film are most certainly nothing like the originals. Blockbusters run together, I feel like I’m watching the same thing on replay, where is the substance? I have not seen a better portrayal of the President of the United States of America than When Geena Davis led the country in Commander and chief. Perhaps this is a good time to consider multiple shifts in consciousness. Let’s start with mutual respect.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Birth From a Dumpster

The documentary “Dive” has the potential to be life transforming, and alone stands as a resource and movement towards education, and habit change. The movie starts out with young adults diving in dumpsters behind food stores to find food with hope to feed their hungry families. The truth is that its rare for the average person to stop to think about where their un-bought, or unused food is going. Nearly half of all food being produced right now around the world is going to complete waste. The documentary “Dive”, shot in Los Angeles California, follows a young group of twenty something’s as they discover the enormous wealth in dumpsters. After watching this eye opening film, serious questions start to arise about respecting earth, and you begin to think of the high price asscociated with this type of growth. Also the issue of serious malnutrition, even in America, suddenly becomes even more apparent after viewing some of the footage. In such uncertain financial times, this story of stretching the dollar moves to another level. Re-thinking your food consumption, and what you can maybe do personally to make a shift towards the rapidly growing problem becomes a duty. Food responsibility is important, and spreading the word is crucial in making the necessary shift to revamp the sad system that  currently lies in place currently.
Indeed, the world as we know it today seems to magically and consistently provide everything we need at precisely the time we need it. Food is no exception. At anytime we can practically walk around the corner for any immediate purchase, weather it’s ingredients for a special meal, or to stock up for a year on your food supply. Instant access spoils even the most regimented of food responsible individuals. Having a healthy diet is an extension of food responsibility. We are living in a time of magnanimous mass production, having food in a matter of seconds, no question of availability, no wait, just point and click. It proves hard to place blame on the masses because many people are obliviously unaware.  Food education, proper habits were not a regular part of open dialogue growing up. Food education doesn’t include teaching our children about misuse or unused food. Once you know however, it changes the expectation. Changes and simple awareness need to be made in order to ensure the future of our children. This may sound cliché, but earth as we know it, with all seven billion people roaming the planet, cannot continue to sustain a limitless amount of food, especially good food. We have to start thinking ahead to new ways on food production consumption and conservation. Maybe we should consider the nutricianlal values first,without beign food snobs, and take what is available, just because it doesn’t look pretty.  we are food snobs, evnenif it doesn’t look pretty. This is a good time to start searching for local produce and meats if possible, and by local, I mean farmed or grown in your city. There is of course the issue of cost, and again, in the financial climate of now, price is huge factor. It is the responsibility of each person to take all aspects into consideration, and make adjustments that are attainable.
On the subject, Malnutrition is a devastating truth that effects millions. You often hear about the starving children in third world countries, and that is true, but there are people in your city that are going to bed hungry at night. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but this is everyday truth. When I volunteer to feed the hungry, it never fails; I am shocked at the amount of people there to eat, only there for a meal, food is all they want, they are hungry. I think, we have food, food is available, hungry souls waiting to be filled with whatever the local food bank has to offer. The food is available, it’s a matter of moblelizing the proper food chains and agency’s and bringing food to the people. Thousands of people die of starvation each day. We can make small changes, change the mindset of your American neighbor, start to fix a problem that is out of control, feed the hungry. It’s not hard to become passionate about this subject, but once you learn the basics of the problem, you can start to do your part. I interviewed a woman at the local grocer, she said that they literally dump all dairy, and the meat is picked up by vendor. They do donate the bread, but the question isn’t why, the question is how. How can we change policy to encourage food redistribution? Bill Clinton passed law in the early nineties called the “Good Samaritan Act”, which protects big grocery chains from any lawsuit that may come by donating close to expired food items. This gives big food chains no excuse in wanting to combat the major issue of extreme waste.
In the documentary “Dive”, facts like one in every seven households are food deprived; 35 million people in America currently are food insecure. People shop at big food chains because it’s less expensive, they can not afford to shop for local produce or they don’t have the time it takes for healthy meal preparation. The cycle begins to perpetuate, not enough time, lack of money, and then next thing you know, your picking up fast food for yourself or the kids a few nights a week. The information in food statistics is not meant to scare you, just give you a different way to perhaps look at small changes you could maybe make. This journey is not without hope. During depression, and war was there was food rationing, and during this time you and your neighbor would take pride in protecting the food that was produced from sweat and hard labor. The time has changed, but the importance of respecting food or getting to know it better has not. You set the example by first ensuring that your home is in order and that you and the ones closest to you have the knowledge, resources, and materials you need to move forward. Once you have an idea of the basics, it starts to become easier for you to work these newfound ideas into your own routine. Proper food education catapults you into overall better habits. The expense of food is something that everyone has to calculate into his or her budget, why not calculate it with a shift in your approach.
No one person is trained in food loss. Half of prepared food never gets distributed; this has been said to be the silent tsunami of hunger, but now is time to focus on the solution. Ask your local grocer what they do with their near expired product, or unused product. Maybe you can get the ball rolling in your community. Call yourself to action, and call others to action. This is problem that is far reaching, and may seem overwhelming, but let the idea sit and then ask yourself, how can I help this cause. It once was said that Food is life, and should never be wasted. I believe this to be more than true. At its core, food is nourishment that keeps the miracle of the human body alive and well. We would be lost without this gift, and not afford to take our responsibility not to take for granted.  We have to recognize and respect the importance and impact of this to insure lasting effects of making change now.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Journal 5

The documentary “Dive” was a real eye opener. The premise of the movie is based on the idea of food conservation, or not wasting food. The short film was extremely informative, and gave great facts. I never knew that half of the food produced world wide ends up going to waste. The truth is that people are starving to death everyday, every minute a life is loss due to malnutrition, or lack of food. It was astonishing to see young adults trying to feed their families by diving into dirty dumpsters, but after I saw the process, I was moved to see how much food was edible. More than edible, it was totally solid food being tossed into a dumpster. The ramifications were staggering; to think everyday this much food is being tossed. Respect for earth and its resources moved me the most. In a time were we consume, rarely to being stop and think were did this food come from, or how is it here, and what happens to all the leftovers. In the US alone, roughly 35 million people are food insecure, 1 out of every seven households. I look forward to unpacking this serious issue more in my reaction draft on “Dive”.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

American Dream Final

Christopher Gass
Professor Kelly Warren
English 1102
March 5, 2013
It is the year 2013, and The American Dream is Alive. America has changed course a bit, and looks completely different than it did thirty something years ago, but the heart of the American people still beats. A few years ago, a case for a fallen American dream could have been easily argued among the economic woes. Today you still find dedicated workers, and America is adjusting to the ever changing climate. You have children experiencing first generation American life because their parents or grandparents made the decision to move to the United States for the dream. These American newbie’s are still learning the basics of how America operates. The longer you have been established seems like the more knowledge you would have making the “American dream” a reality. The house with the white picket fence still remains, it just looks different. There may be a fence, but it’s not white picket, its fire engine red.
Struggle is a part of the sweat I think unifies America. I have to believe that my dream is active and alive. Between a dream and a prayer, I embrace the new season of America that has become the now, fast paced reality that doesn’t have an off switch. Through the economic challenges, the engine of the nation is still moving. We most definitely have to get creative soon. With constantly growing technology, and the unemployment holding steady, we have to begin looking at alternative ways of bringing the best out of our America. Our carbon footprint can leave a negative impact on ones outlook of the American dream, but we can move forward, it’s America. Some things haven’t changed over the years; the dream has been repackaged, and it is just waiting to be reopened.
The uncertainty of the future sometimes concerns me, but the idea is to keep trucking, keep moving forward. I feel like I’ve been holding a poker face for thirty years, and I’m so close, and if I can just keep the smile on a bit longer, life, the dream will happen. This, some may say may be the curse of my generation or generations after me. People migrate towards America for a reason. How long should I ponder life or my purpose or my place? The truth is, unless you’re lucky enough to have been born into some kind of privilege, or just very good fortune, the American dream is still really hard work. The work type has changed, because of major automation. There is a difference in what work translates into this day in age. Consolidation and outsourcing in America doesn’t exactly inspire confidence to live the dream. One should remember the heart of America, it does not say RSVP on the statue of liberty.
In addition you have the new American family to consider, which if chosen and placed correctly really has an opportunity to shine. You can basically create your own, like you were customizing anything else, a car or maybe a meal at the drive through. A broken home isn’t so broken anymore when you can mix and match. The Washington Post said earlier this year four out of ten families are blended.  Is this the American dream? Future America will never be the same. My grandparents and their six children came here to the US over forty years ago in search of a more promising future. My grandmother ended in having 19 grandchildren. The six children all went on to work to death until achieving their version of success. We have stayed local somehow, and now all my cousins are coming of age. Everyone is getting married and working on their first or second child. When I look around I see the dream unfolding, that is reassuring.
 Today I’d be happy to meet someone to share my life with. After all is said and done my version or my match or my combo doesn’t look that different than the next guys. I want to find unconditional love with a life partner. I want kids, I want pets, maybe a dog, probably no cats. If my kid begs me for a cat one day and the timing is just right, you never know. Welcome to New America. Unlimited consumption, and an opportunity to still do right by yourself and your neighbor. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Journal 4

Citizenship is not something I think about on a regular basis. When I think about immigration, I immediately think about politics, and the extreme popularity it portrays in the media, especially during election season. Clearly this has become more of an issue with population growth, and the massive diversity of human culture. You hear extreme stories of sacrifice for even the smallest chance at the dream people call America. A common theme I notice is struggle and heartache, mixed with strong determination and a dash of invincible will, which usually leads to some eventually triumph. In many of these experiences or stories people appear to go to hell and back before their dreams are made possible. For those who sought to know this great land, they’re steadfast persistence pays off. In my mind, modern day America is made up of this vast variety of people with common goals, many times making something out of nothing, but somehow making it work. My wish or hope is that anyone who had a desire to come to America would have the opportunity. I don’t know much about the process, but legal immigration seems fair, and illegal immigration needs some work. I know we provide aid to other nations, I also know that on the world stage the United states seems to capitalize on the small guys, and find some way for it to majorly favor the country. This is where I’m torn. I see other struggling countries, and ask, why can’t we fix this. There is a reason people are desperate to come to America. You hear or see stories that break your heart, but how can I fix this. These eternal ethical philosophical debates mostly occur when asked questions that force you to actually think about current issues. It’s nice to get them down on paper, and would encourage people to ask more questions. How can we help solve this issue, and how can we get started on and more involved in the process. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Christopher Gass
Professor Kelly Warren
ENC 1102
February 19th, 2013
                                                  Response to Digital Nation

Digital Nation was extremely eye opening to say the very least. I am part of this digital nation.  Although there is much controversy surrounding digital media and its impact on the world we live in, it is a subject that needs to be addressed. The opposition finds it more challenging to see the possible positive benefits of being so well connected. There are more than just a few benefits of using social media to our advantage. The Educational aspect is huge. How we can a collective can use our digital nation as a tremendous tool for educational improvement. Big business also stands to benefit from being on the cutting edge of staying connected, making a better work environment for other wise bored employees. The amount of relationships that have developed from the introduction of the internet is astronomical. There is no possible way to survive in today’s modern life with out being plugged in or connected in one way or another.
The opposition has any number of reasons why being so plugged in may pose more harm than good. This is the question that we face.  At a time when technology is moving at an exponential rate, these questions need to be addressed. Who are we as a people, and are we headed in a healthy direction with so much time spent online. Is the time online taking us away from human interaction? In South Korea the amount of time spent online or gaming has now led to addiction centers for young people who have become so immersed in gaming they would spend days at a time consumed by one game.
The educational aspect has improved in schools throughout the country. The numbers say that math and reading scores have increased due to having access to internet in the class room. Teachers have complained about skills sets not being up to par, but in the right circumstance it has been proven to teach kids in away that has never really been done before until this last decade. According to Digital nation reading scores are up 40%, and math scores are up 50% in particular school districts. Especially today, kids learn so differently. The brain is stimulated, and you now have multiple ways to engage children that would other wise be left behind.
Part of what excited me most about digital nation was the idea of virtual worlds. Not in a gaming aspect, but more for using these tools in a business environment. I know plenty of people that work from home, and have their teams they meet with a few times a week on conference calls. When I saw what IMB was doing with second life, I thought to myself, brilliant. Corporate settings are loosing ground, unless your working for Google, most people don’t love their cubicles. With Options like virtual workspaces, just like education, you are again instantly engaged. Making it fun, while getting to know the people you talk with regularly, but rarely get to meet. Further more there are other options for keeping in touch with your neighbor.
Building a blog is exciting, just another way to share your life online. Many relationships form online with or without intention, but they are happening left and right. These could be professional relationships or romantic involvement. I read that forty million Americans have attempted online dating, and many of these first dates lead to successful marriage and family. Sometimes just meeting a kindred spirit, a close friend, or someone who you can share  hobbies with.
Digital Nation was extremely eye opening to say the very least. I am part of this digital nation. It’s interesting how you don’t seem to be given much of a choice especially when if your younger, or being raised in this environment that is by most defaults somehow connected in one way or another. A question to ask is weather this huge phenomenon is doing more harm than good. I personally kicked and screamed when it came to the idea of being “connected”. I could not stand the idea of being plugged in, this was about six years ago. I waited as long as possible, even to get something as simple as an email address. One day it just hit me, there is no possible way to survive in today’s society without some connection or plug in.
                  I’m attached to my phone for email, and direct access to the Internet. I understand the need for connection.  I originally kicked and screamed when it came to the idea of being “connected”. I could not stand the idea of being plugged in; this was about six years ago. I waited as long as possible, even to get something as simple as an email address. One day it just hit me, there is no possible way to survive in today’s society without some connection or plug in. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Journal 3

Digital Nation was extremely eye opening to say the very least. I am part of this digital nation. It’s interesting how you don’t seem to be given much of a choice especially when if your younger, or being raised in this environment that is by most defaults somehow connected in one way or another. I personally kicked and screamed when it came to the idea of being “connected”. I could not stand the idea of being plugged in, this was about six years ago. I waited as long as possible, even to get something as simple as an email address. One day it just hit me, there is no possible way to survive in today’s society without some connection or plug in. I’m still carful about even facebook, and other forms of social media, but I’m attached to my phone for email, and direct access to the Internet. I understand the need for connection that many people crave through gaming or even to keep in touch through something as simple as facebook, I’m still a little apprehensive about diving in head first with all the latest in social media. No twitter for me as of right now. Building a blog is exciting. Part of what excited me about digital nation was the idea of virtual worlds. Not in a gaming aspect, but more for using these tools in a business environment. I know plenty of people that work from home, and have their teams they meet with a few times a week on conference calls. When I saw what IMB was doing with second life, I thought to myself, that’s brilliant. Make in fun, more engaging, and get to know more about the people you talk with regularly but never see. Saving money on travel I’m sure was a plus for them. The negative effects also made me think. The way they spoke of South Korea, and the addiction aspect. There are many pros and cons that should be contemplated.  The rate of upgrade and change is growing exponentially and is impossible to keep up with. It seems like there should be more acknowledgement on the potential hazards. In an educational environment I love the idea. One thing I can safely say is the Internet and now our extreme dependence on it is necessary to stay in touch even at the most basic level. This is the point of no return. How will we move forward?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Journal 2

So I started asking classmates and coworkers, thumbs up or thumbs down, on reality television shows? I guess I didn’t realize the gravity of the question. Almost every response was something like, “well I don’t know! I mean I guess it just depends on what reality show you’re watching.” Mostly everyone agreed that reality TV was anything but reality. This is the appeal. In the book they use the term Humilitainment, which is defined as the tendency for viewers to be attached to spectacular mortification. I have to admit I have never considered myself a big reality tv fan. I don’t have the luxury of cable television, but every time I’m at family or friend’s house I’m hooked. It usually stops me in my tracks, and I am hypnotized by the insanity. I personally love when I see teams, and a race is involved. I became a huge fan of Ru Paul’s Drag race. Jersey Shore is bogus, you don’t even realize what you’re doing, but before you know it your eyes seemed to be glued. I have been known to spend the entire weekend watching every episode in every season. This just goes to show you the power of the wild idea that they now call reality TV. “Reality TV is just as real as anything else, it’s not”. The desire for human connection has never been greater. This combined with pure curiosity could easily explain the enormous popularity of this latest TV trend.  

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chris Gass
Professor Kelly Warren
ENC 1102
January 29, 2013
Photos For Life
“Photography by nature is spiritual, considering it comes from the darkness to show the light”. (Judy Glee). The local gallery opening this week was a smash with, including many styles of photography. I enjoyed some of the added effects; simple saturation and contrast can really enhance the color and bring an image to new life. With “Immaculate conception” the photographer added an overlay of sheen or shine to the shot, it looked like they painted it on, I thought it took away from the original capture. The other two “Through History”, and “3’s a crowd” were more my pace. Each of them told a story, evoke emotion, and also lead you to tell your own story.
“Immaculate conception” by John Shipee was a photo originally captured in a catholic church setting. In attempt to spice the image up, Im afraid the added features did not work for this picture. There was already so much to look at, the added effects to the image to make it shine didn’t work. There is a shimmer of shine to the photo that I did not like. The image itself was sound, and captured in quality of all the inside of the church including the alter and the pews as well as the stain glass. The Mother Mary and Jesus himself were pictured in the stained glass behind the alter. Jesus and the apostles were color on color. The encased molding and shape of the roof were beautiful, and the image was strong, but again, did not like the shimmer effect.
“Through History” by Brittney Goodwin was a classic two story brick home, with the shutters on every window and the rocking and chairs out front were a great addition to making this classic country home come to life. The picture was black and white house. The bushes carved the home, going through the center of both sides of the house, from the ground to the top of the house. The huge oak tree grew tall to meet the bushes at the top of the house.
Daniela Ortiz “3’s a Crowd” was my favorite. Three things stuck out in the picture, small young girls who was wearing striped stockings and had lock blonde locks; she looked from behind like Alice from wonderland. The next character that stuck out in the photo was a adult figure that looked like the mad hatter, the shadow image had on the big tall pimp magic hat, following the young girl. The young girl was moving in the woods towards a group of doll like figures having a tea party. The sunbeam picks up all three of these images with great detail. The man following the little girl in the forest would be way creepier if they did not have the costumes, and the setup.
In photography the there are so many elements to be aware of or look for. In the times we live it is very easy to snap a picture and make it look professional. Photography is such a neat way to express yourself, and how you feel about the world or life. It works as a medium that can provide hours of fun and entertainment, but can also tell powerful stories. A picture says a thousand words, and captures a moment in time. I use photography as my working memory. For me it’s an essential tool in keeping track of moments in my personal life.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Journal 1

Enc 1101 was an overall great experience. The teacher was a burst of inspirational energy. She was a firecracker, and extremely well read. Professor Tomblin had allot of life experience, she was in her late seventies early eighties and I felt very comfortable in her classroom. She was married twice, had two grown daughters and had traveled around the world, visiting many popular locations across the globe. If memory serves, her first husband was in the military, and she raised her family overseas, teaching and building small school houses for those in need. ENC 1101 was filled with a variety of students, many demographic, all shapes and sizes and colors, she took time to critique each student individually working with their strengths. Luckily there were no MLA, or APA style papers. We wrote at least a half dozen papers, so I got a chance to write essays on different topics. I think we also unpacked different hot topics for example abortion, or same sex marriage. Patricia Tomblin read scholarly journals, and was notorious for combining her timeless stories with different writing techniques, but I don’t remember because it's been too long. I tried to keep a consistent journal for a few years, but I haven’t worked on it for the longest time. I want to challenge myself with this course in researching. I don’t know how to use the tool, and I know it cant be that hard if I can just figure it out. I need a bit more practice. With the MLA I’ll just have to look over the rules. Looking forward to the course!